THE DAILY ISLAMIC REMINDERS. Yaum al-khamis. 1st day of Jumaadal Aakhir.. (Thursday 14th January 2021). *BismilLah* Water is broken down into categories: Mutlaq water, used water, water mixed with pure elements, and water mixed with impure elements. Mutlaq Water is that which is considered inherently pure, and therefore may be used to purify oneself. The types include: a. Rain, Snow etc b. Sea Water: Abū Hurairah ra, states: “It’s water is pure and it’s dead (animals) are lawful” (related by “the five” and Al-Bukhāri calls it sahīh). c. Zamzam Water. Used Water is that which is left over after one does Wudhu or Ghusl. This water may be used to purify oneself. The Messenger of ALLAH sallallahu alaihi wasallam wiped his head with the water remaining on his hands from wudhu’.”(Ahmad & Abū Dawūd narrated). Water Mixed with Pure Elements includes water that has been mixed with substances that are considered inherently pure. Examples of pure substances are dough, flowers...